What are the different conditions of car parts

Publié par Ming Zhu le

In the market, car parts are generally available in five different conditions. When starting a car parts business, it is crucial to understand these conditions and select the parts of interest to stock in the store.

The conditions of the 5 different car parts are as follows:

1. Brand new from OEM

This condition of car parts is 100% same as the one on the car. It is manufactured by the original tier 1 from OEM’s supplier base. In some specific market, only OEM authorized dealers can sell this condition of car parts. Quality level high, price level high.

2. Brand new from manufactures

This condition of car parts are manufactured from factories not sourced by OEM, they made the replacement parts with the same fit, feature and function to the original ones. Usually, these parts are selling under some brands manufacturers such as BOSCH, Delco, etc. parts are made by themselves or through their 3 party outsources factories. Quality level medium, price level medium.

3. Refurbished part

This condition of car part is refurbished from the original part, renewed or remanufactured. Quality level medium, price level low.

4. Part from scrapped car

This condition of car part is removed from the scrapped cars, the car could be damaged by accident, but some of the parts from the car are still functional and valuable. Quality level high, price level medium.

5. Rejected parts from assembly line

This condition of car parts are rejected ones from assembly line, some of them are with defect or doesn’t pass the appearance test. Most of them are selected with no functional issue. Quality level high, price level medium.

The condition of most of the parts selling on line are Brand new from OEM or brand manufactures, these parts are with good quality and reasonable price which is better choice to repair cars. Stock and list with these conditions will be good start. 

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